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Tree Seedlings

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Tree Seedlings

Seedlings are a great way to start a small nursery or to landscape a vast area of woodlands. Our seedlings are sold in bulk and are 6-12 and 12-18 inches tall depending on what you are looking to plant.  All tree and shrub seedlings are shipped bare root during dormancy (usually November-April).

 Tree Seedlings are great for starting a small nursery or developing a large area at an affordable price.

Trees and Shrubs help not only with the physical appearance of a landscape but also help improve the environment. The early days of the plant life are quite remarkable; it goes a long way in determining the health of the plant. Seedlings acquired from nurseries are grown by a knowledgeable professional who gives the station more attention and ensures they start out strong and healthy.

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 After acquiring your seedlings, it is of utmost importance to bear in mind that seedlings are fragile; therefore need to be handled with much care. Once established however they are deficient maintenance. Keep your seedlings moist and not wet, that way; there will be enough water for optimal development without starving the soil of oxygen that requires optimal growth.

Quite often people growing seedlings inadvertently hinder the optimal growth of the seedling by adding synthetic fertilizers; It should be noted that the soil where the seedling is planted can provide enough nutrients to the young plant through its tender age. Fill your seedling pot with humus soil from your garden or simply buy from the nursery where you acquired your seedlings.
Once your seedlings are mature enough to be transplanted, it is time to introduce them to their final habitation. However, this step requires a subtle strategy to be successful.  White Pine and Canadian Hemlock Seedlings are great for starting a well or (in the future) a large hedge for privacy.

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 Also consider the Blue Hydrangea and Hills of Snow Hydrangea which are perfect for landscaping or adding color to an already established garden.

Get your tree seedlings from our Plant Nursery today!