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Wild Strawberry

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Product Code: WSB
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USDA Zones 3-8

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Product Description

Wild Strawberry


Wild strawberries are a versatile plant to include in this summer's garden. A hardy plant, the strawberry will be successful in a variety of garden types. Whether planting in pots, raised beds, or in a garden, this plant is an excellent addition to any backyard garden.
This wild variety of berry is smaller than the domesticated berry. However, the fruit is many times sweeter and more flavorful than store-bought berries. The berry can be grown in almost any zones, being successful in zones 3-10.

Wild Strawberry plants will also spread quickly, with above ground runners sending up new plants throughout the growth cycle.

These new plants can be transplanted or remain in the same area, providing the garden with excellent ground cover.
Not limited to an edible plant, the bushiness and small flowers the wild strawberry produces make it an excellent ornamental plant. The berries can be planted as an edging, or grown in pots and hanging baskets to provide decoration. The flowers and berries will add a pop to any yard.
These plants are also incredibly easy to care for once they are established. While it is essential to keep them well watered during their fruit-bearing season and any dry periods, this is the extent of the work that is needed to maintain the plants. The most prominent concern for these plants is fighting with the birds over the ripe berries!
Overall, this plant is easy to care for and is an excellent addition to the garden for gardeners of all levels. Whether planting for the delicious berries or use as an ornamental plant, it is versatile and has many purposes. It won't take long to have an established berry patch providing ground cover and delicious berries.

Fragaria virginiana vines are high for any gardener. The fruit is nowhere near the size of the commercial strawberries, but they taste much better. This is a low maintenance plant and requires minimum water and needs full to partial sun for best results. Blooms April- June


The Wild Strawberry is shipped as a rooted plug.


  • USDA Zones 3-8
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Growing Zones:
  • Color: Green, White, Red
  • Season: Spring, Summer
  • Height: 6-12"
  • Exposure: Part Sun
  • Ships As: Rooted Plug
  • Warranty: 1 Year

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